Friday, January 11, 2013

Hi everyone!

This is the first of hopefully many entries in to the blogosphere.  I have found I enjoy putting my thoughts into writing and sharing them with people.  I started posting my thoughts on many issues on facebook.  Some friends enjoy it and others would rather not know my opinions on every little thing.  This seems to be a good way for me to gain peace of mind without giving everyone a piece of my mind!  I was just about to hit the send button on a post about gun control and violence in the wake of the Sandy Hook Masacre.  I thought about the friends who have considered leaving or who have left facebook because of how political and vitriolic it seems to have become.  While I know social media has great value to change the world, I started thinking of my initial reasons for joining facebook.  I wanted to keep in contact with friends and family.  I wanted to network with theatre people.  I did not expect it would become a place where I stood on my political soap box.  I'll still do some of that because I do care about what goes on in the world around me.  I will put more of it here in my blog along with other great thoughts I may have.